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#News 41: Você não precisa escrever um romance

Arruughr!! #41

Olá, queridas assinantes do Viver da Escrita! Nesta semana, a ideia era simplificar a newsletter. Mas faz tanto tempo que não dou um alô, que tenho muita, muita coisa para compartilhar com vocês. Então vai esse montão de texto aí, ó, numa formatação mais simples. Provavelmente os próximos e-mails serão menores (Se eu não demorar muito de novo, há!)

A principal novidade é que estou fora das redes sociais há um bom tempo. Sem Facebook, Twitter e Instagram, e escrevi um pouco sobre isso no primeiro link. (Na verdade escrevi sobre isso há umas duas semanas, mas como não compartilhei o link nas redes sociais, é como se o texto nem existisse.)

Rodrigo van Kampen

* O que ando aprontando *

+ Estou há pouco mais de um mês sem redes sociais, e é disto que sinto falta – Eu não faço ideia do que meus amigos estão fazendo. Ou qual é o último livro do momento que todo mundo está lendo. Lançamentos e eventos imperdíveis. Não falo de modo irônico, é como se de repente eu tivesse me afastado da comunidade, embarcado em uma longa jornada sem sinal no celular. E não acho que esse sentimento seja recíproco: provavelmente ninguém percebeu minha ausência. Essa é a natureza do meio, há tanta informação e conteúdo, que se um show desaparecer, logo outro toma o seu lugar na grade.

+ Ando aprontando a próxima edição da Trasgo, que logo deve aparecer. Aqui o Teaser: 😉

+ E se alguém for da cidade de Jundiaí e região, estou quase fechando um curso na cidade para outubro, sobre como escrever para a web, storytelling e afins. Se interessar, me manda um e-mail!

+ Mês passado descobri o podcast The Moth. POR FAVOR, se você gosta de histórias, conta histórias ou qualquer coisa parecida, ESCUTE. Cada episódio tem três ou quatro pessoas diferentes contando histórias da própria vida. Mais em

* Se quiser um único link para clicar, escolha este *

Tempo para não sentir culpa – Aline Valek : Não quero mais trabalhar até o ponto de cair doente de exaustão, de ter crises, de sofrer tanto física e mentalmente, como nos últimos tempos. Precisei mudar de ritmo. Dizer mais “não”. Parar de superestimar minha capacidade de fazer as coisas. Ainda assim, é preciso uma adaptação. Fazer o cérebro se acostumar a uma nova realidade.

* Contos Recomendados *

The Greatest One-Star Restaurant in the Whole Quadrant – Rachael K. Jones : Engineer’s meat wept and squirmed and wriggled inside her steel organ cavity, so different from the stable purr of gears and circuit boards. You couldn’t count on meat. It lulled you with its warmth, the soft give of skin, the tug of muscle, the neurotransmitter snow fluttering down from neurons to her cyborg logic center. On other days, the meat sickened, swelled inside her steel shell, pressed into her joints. Putrid yellow meat-juices dripped all over her chassis, eroding away its chrome gloss. It contaminated everything, slicking down her tools while she hacked into the engine core on the stolen ship. It dripped between her twelve long fingers on her six joined arms as she helped her cyborg siblings jettison all the ship’s extra gear out the airlocks to speed the trip.

The Secret Life of Bots – Suzanne Palmer : “I have been activated, therefore I have a purpose, the bot thought. I have a purpose, therefore I serve.”

Artigo 4º da 3ª Convenção Mística de Viena – Ana Cristina Rodrigues : É uma senhorinha muito, muito, mas muito senhorinha. Anda com dificuldade — apesar de ter recusado a oferta solícita do rapaz atrás dela — e parece enxergar muito pouco. Neli suspira discretamente. Pessoas de idade costumam ser muito detalhistas e o atendimento demora mais do que o normal. A hora da saída está ficando cada vez mais distante.

* Para escrever personagens lutando contra o destino *

Great Advice From 25 Writing Manuals by Famous Authors – Emily Temple : That is, it’s one thing to get advice from a professor or a critic or an editor, but quite another to hear it from someone who has been in the mines and come up with gold—those who can teach and do. To that end, I’ve put together a list of 25 writing manuals and book-length musings on craft from famous authors, along with a bit of advice drawn from each book.

History Versus Destiny: On Giving Characters Agency In Narrative – Chuck Wendig : The point is that, as storytellers — specifically when we’re telling stories in the genre space — we can at times be a little over-reliant upon building the world (aka, the house) and then hastily shoving characters into it instead of letting characters lead the way

#Wonderbook – Sobre começos e finais – Fernanda Castro : Um bom início ensina ao leitor como ler a obra, mostra qual será o tom da narrativa, dá as cartas sobre o que se pode esperar do enredo. Um bom início deixa o leitor confortável, não no sentido de ser previsível, mas de criar a imersão necessária para que sua audiência realmente sinta-se parte da trama. O leitor quer relaxar e confiar na condução narrativa. O onde, o quando e o como você começa um livro são cruciais para definir quais reações você vai conseguir do público.

Você não precisa escrever um romance – Laura Cohen : Não sei se isso é verdade, mas ouvi falar que, certa vez, Jorge Luis Borges sentia-se profundamente frustrado por jamais ter escrito um romance, apenas contos. A capacidade de síntese de Borges é assustadora e exemplar: ele consegue enfiar o infinito em uma frase, e criar listas de infinitos no espaço de um conto.

* Pirataria, música ambiente, superstições e yoga *

The copy is the original – Byung-Chul Han : In 1956, an exhibition of masterpieces of Chinese art took place in the museum of Asian art in Paris, the Musée Cernuschi. It soon emerged that these pictures were, in fact, forgeries. In this case, the sensitive issue was that the forger was none other than the most famous Chinese painter of the 20th century, Chang Dai-chien, whose works were being exhibited simultaneously at the Musée d’Art Moderne. He was considered the Pablo Picasso of China. And his meeting with Picasso that same year was celebrated as a summit between the masters of Western and Eastern art. Once it became known that the old masterpieces were his forgeries, the Western world regarded him as a mere fraud. Yet for Chang himself, they were anything but forgeries. In any case, most of these old pictures were no mere copies, but rather replicas of lost paintings that were known only from written descriptions.

Explaining the unexplainable – Jim Davies : American psychologist B. F. Skinner found that he could generate superstitious behavior in pigeons. He taught pigeons to press down on a bar in exchange for food. All animals can learn to do this, and this learning process is called reinforcement. But an interesting thing happens if the food is given at random intervals—that is, pressing the bar sometimes does, and sometimes does not, produce a treat, with no discernable pattern. Under these conditions, but not under reliable conditions, the pigeon will start repeating arbitrary, idiosyncratic behaviors before pressing the bar. It might bob its head, or turn around twice. The pigeon becomes superstitious.

John Waters’ commencement speech at RISD, 2015 – John Waters : Today may be the end of your juvenile delinquency, but it should also be the first day of your new adult disobedience. These days, everybody wants to be an outsider, politically correct to a fault. That’s good. I hope you are working to end racism, sexism, ageism, fatism. But is that enough? Isn’t being an outsider sooo 2014? I mean, maybe it’s time to throw caution to the wind, really shake things up, and reinvent yourself as a new version of your most dreaded enemy – the insider. Like I am.

Annoyed by Restaurant Playlists, a Master Musician Made His Own – Ben Ratliff : Last fall a friend told me a story about Ryuichi Sakamoto, the renowned musician and composer who lives in the West Village. Mr. Sakamoto, it seems, so likes a particular Japanese restaurant in Murray Hill, and visits it so often, that he finally had to be straight with the chef: He could not bear the music it played for its patrons.

Letter from Shenzhen – Xiaowei R. Wang : This is the new shanzhai. It’s open-source on hyperspeed — where creators build on each other’s work, co-opt, repurpose, and remix in a decentralized way, creating original products like a cell phone with a compass that points to Mecca (selling well in Islamic countries) and simple cell phones that have modular, replaceable parts which need little equipment to open or repair.

Twenty-First Century Victorians – Jason Tebbe : Today, spin classes, artisanal food, and the college application process have replaced Sunday promenades, evening lectures, and weekly salons. But make no mistake, they serve the same purpose: transforming class privilege into individual virtue, thereby shoring up social dominance

* Sobre livros, filhos e tempo *

Sleeps With Monsters: Where Are the SFF Stories About Pregnancy and Child-rearing? – Liz Bourke : “Science fiction and fantasy is seldom interested in people’s reproductive lives from a social perspective, except when it’s in the context of dystopian social control. Childbearing and child-rearing are central to many people’s life experience, which makes it more than a little odd that I can only think of perhaps two or three SFF novels that, without being entirely focused on it, incorporate pregnancy and reproductive life as a central part of their narrative. (Ah, e leia os comentários, várias recomendações ótimas!) ”

Are Kids the Enemy of Writing? – Michael Chabon : “You can write great books,” the great man continued. “Or you can have kids. It’s up to you.”

Hierarchy of Needs – Angela Palm : If my brain were a computer, its internal fan would make that loud, warm, whirring sound that means it’s working too hard. It probably isn’t a coincidence that adult coloring books topped Amazon’s bestseller lists last year.

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Foto: José Ignacio García Zajaczkowski

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